Thanks for visiting my webpage. My name is Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro; I am 33 years old and work as a postdoc researcher at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (BUAP) in Puebla, México. I work with aspects of quantum information and quantum computing with continuous variables, where I am principally interested in Gaussian states. Also, I have dealt with the topics of quantum non-locality, the dynamics of closed quantum systems, and the theory of entanglement.
Mail: mfja52(at)gmail(dot)com
Telegram: (at)Dlirium_tremenz
List of publications
1. Piceno Martínez, A. E., Benítez Rodríguez, E., Mendoza Fierro, J. A., Méndez Otero, M. M., & Arévalo Aguilar, L. M. (2018). Quantum Nonlocality and Quantum Correlations in the Stern–Gerlach Experiment. Entropy, 20(4), 299. DOI:
2. Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. (2019). Stern-Gerlach experiment with arbitrary spin: Temporal evolution and entanglement. The European Physical Journal Plus, 134(2), 82. DOI:
3. Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. (2019). Effects of the free evolution in the Arthurs–Kelly model of simultaneous measurement and in the retrodictive predictions of the Heisenberg uncertainty relations. The European Physical Journal Plus, 136, 2021. DOI:
4. Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. (2019). Gaussian entanglement properties in a completely dynamical Arthurs–Kelly measurement process. Quantum Information proccesing. 21, 297 (2022). DOI:
In progress
Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. Gaussian tripartite entanglement in the simultaneous measurement of position and momentum. Submitted. Preprint:
Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. Fidelity of teleportation in the continuous-variable cluster state model. In research.
Mendoza-Fierro J. A. & Arévalo Aguilar L. M. Teleportation in the simultaneous measurement of position and momentum. In research.
1991. I was born in Delicias Chihuahua, México.
2015. I got a bachelor degree in Applieed Physics by the Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua with the work : "Sobre los niveles de energía del electrón en el átomo de hidrógeno utilizando algunas teorías de la mecánica cuántica".
2016. Start master degree studies at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
2018. I got the master degree (master of science) with the work: "Evolución temporal del estado enredado de un haz de partículas de spín arbitrario en el experimento de stern-gerlach". URL:
2018. Start of Ph.D studies at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
2022. I got the PhD with the work: "Quantum Information with continuous variables". URL:
2022. Start of posdoc position at Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla.
Thanks for taking the time to read my website! I firmly believe that unfettered collaboration in science is one of the primary sources of humanity’s technological progress. If you are interested in working with me under the above (or any other) quantum informational topics, please contact me; I am available for learning and work.